
I am very fond of cats. Baymax is my beautiful roommate, he has a few socialisation issues and can be a little funny with new things but he’s incredibly intelligent and makes me smile an awful lot.

As you’ve probably worked out, I’m partially sighted. I was born with a condition called nystagmus which means that my eyes uncontrollably move from side to side. This has an overall effect on my vision, both distance and close up. It’s difficult to focus on things, I’m unable to judge distance due to a lack of depth perception and have both photophobia and no night vision. My peripheral vision is also limited. I wear glasses as I am also short sighted. I sometimes navigate with a guide cane, for example if I am travelling on public transport or on a not overly familiar journey.

I also have a chronic pain condition in my left wrist, right shoulder and right ankle. It’s called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) and in short my sympathetic nervous system is malfunctioning and in overdrive, following various injuries. I mobilise using an elbow crutch.

I also have a fairly complex and ongoing mental health history which I wont go into right now but it may well make an appearance in a blog post, in which case it may be appropriate to elaborate.